Recipients of The Katie Wilkinson Research Scholarship
" I am extremely pleased to have achieved a first for the assignment. I am incredibly grateful for the support provided to me on behalf of the Katie Wilkinson Research Scholarship and I could not have undertaken this opportunity without your support " |
" By doing this fieldwork, it made me realise why I love studying Environmental Earth Sciences. I would like to thank the Katie Wilkinson Research Fund for their financial help. I couldn’t have done this trip without those funds. I will now eagerly await to see what I have found from those samples " |
2023 Recipient & Report
Isabella Kennedy, Year Abroad Scholarship (University of Hawaii)
2022 Recipient & Report
2021 Recipients & Reports
Stephanie Day, Year Abroad Scholarship (University of Tasmania)
Roxanne Cook, Placement Year Scholarship (Estación Experimental de Zonas Ãridas, Almeria, Spain) Both Stephanie & Roxanne's impact statements can be viewed here. |
2020 Recipients & Reports
Alise Miluna, Year Abroad Scholarship (Uppsala University)
Harry Lycett, Placement Year Scholarship (EDF Energy) Both Alise & Harry's impact statements can be viewed here. |
The Scholarship Scheme was redesigned in 2019-20 to offer two specific funding opportunities:
The Katie Wilkinson Year Abroad Scholarship &
The Katie Wilkinson Placement Year Scholarship
2017 Recipients & Reports
Eden Amos: Feeding ecology and parasite loads of invasive Lionfish (Pterois volitans and Pterois miles) in shallow reef habitats of Tobago
Csaba Cseh: Investigating the nature and depositional history of cross beds in the upper part of the Carstone formation at Hunstanton, UK Sam Kirkman: The Internet of Things at UEA: Monitoring the Environment Georgie Sutton: Damselfish (Stegastes species) territory characteristics, behaviour, and active sediment removal from within their territories on Booby Reef, Tobago |
2016 Recipients & Reports
2015 Recipients & Reports
Edward Hornby: Hot Males and Sex in the Sun. The Human Impact on Sea Turtle Sex Rations on the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
Ava Winter: A Look at Ethiopian Equids
Ava Winter: A Look at Ethiopian Equids
2014 Recipients & Reports
Yi-Ting Yen: A study of the characteristics of lava flow and compositions at Cape Fukuei and Linshanbi, northern Taiwan
Claire Brooks: Theobroma cacao productivity is affected by tree intercropping and the subsequent shade canopy, Toledo District, Belize
Leanne Kershaw: Hooked on Fishing? A study of the dependence upon alternative livelihoods by small scale commercial and artisanal fisher-folk in Tela, Honduras
Michael Bland: The Future of the Small Aral Sea
Claire Brooks: Theobroma cacao productivity is affected by tree intercropping and the subsequent shade canopy, Toledo District, Belize
Leanne Kershaw: Hooked on Fishing? A study of the dependence upon alternative livelihoods by small scale commercial and artisanal fisher-folk in Tela, Honduras
Michael Bland: The Future of the Small Aral Sea
2013 Recipients & Reports
Jess Phoenix: The investigation of stakeholders' scientific sources of knowledge within the bovine tuberculosis (bTB) knowledge controversy
Ella Gilbert: Electrifying the slums: how Payatas can become green
Florence Greatrix: Correlating fish disease to cleaner goby densities and fish abundance within reefs in Tobago
Emily McParland: Behavioural Changes and Interactions Between Fish Species in the Caribbean
Richard Hughes: Does the concentration of Na, K, Mg, Ca, Sr, S, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu and Zn in hydrothermal fluids vary with CO2 emissions on Nea Kameni, Santorini
Ella Gilbert: Electrifying the slums: how Payatas can become green
Florence Greatrix: Correlating fish disease to cleaner goby densities and fish abundance within reefs in Tobago
Emily McParland: Behavioural Changes and Interactions Between Fish Species in the Caribbean
Richard Hughes: Does the concentration of Na, K, Mg, Ca, Sr, S, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu and Zn in hydrothermal fluids vary with CO2 emissions on Nea Kameni, Santorini
“The Katie Wilkinson scholarship award greatly assisted this research by allowing me to travel to the Montserrat, West Indies in order to collect my field data” |
" Thank you to the Katie Wilkinson Scholarship for this opportunity to investigate a fascinating topic, in a beautiful and friendly place, and thank you to Katie for being an inspiration to do my best wherever I am " |
2012 Recipients & Reports
Georgiana Livia Mois: The effects of coastal erosion on the remains of Wheal Droskyn and Wheal Ramoth in Perranpoth, Cornwall
Joshua Smith: Investigating the deposition of tephra (tiny particles of volcanic ash) from the recent Icelandic eruptions of Eyjafjallajokull and Grimsvotn
Joshua Smith: Investigating the deposition of tephra (tiny particles of volcanic ash) from the recent Icelandic eruptions of Eyjafjallajokull and Grimsvotn
2011 Recipients & Reports
Eleanor Whittle: The behaviour associated with cleaning stations of Caribbean coral reefs
Marc Roberts: Will the ash from the 2010 Icelandic eruption make it onto the peat record in Scotland
Marc Roberts: Will the ash from the 2010 Icelandic eruption make it onto the peat record in Scotland
2010 Recipients & Reports
Emily Foord: To what extent should public opinion be used to influence nuclear waste location in England and Wales
Martin Martin: Temperature dependance of chlorine isotope fractination in CFC-12 in a photolysis reaction
Martin Martin: Temperature dependance of chlorine isotope fractination in CFC-12 in a photolysis reaction
“I would like to offer my deepest gratitude for The Katie Wilkinson Research Scholarship, as due to the remoteness of the study site, my costs in arriving at the project were substantial and the charities support was invaluable” |
" I am very grateful for help I received from the Katie Wilkinson Research Scholarship as it made this field trip possible. During my week in Perranporth I had the opportunity to carry out my own research and gained valuable fieldwork skills ... I have become a lot more confident in working on my own, managing my time and making my own observations and opinions " |
2009 Recipients & Reports
Leejiah Dorward: Comparing the different rates of decomposition of organic material in two Amazonian forest types
Karen Booth: Investigation into the foraging behaviour of bumblebees on varying flowering vegetation, across the habitats of the RSPB reserve, Dungeness, Kent
Owen Jones: Artisanal Fishing in the Comoros
Karen Booth: Investigation into the foraging behaviour of bumblebees on varying flowering vegetation, across the habitats of the RSPB reserve, Dungeness, Kent
Owen Jones: Artisanal Fishing in the Comoros
2008 Recipients & Reports
Emma Wright: The Wolf at the door. A qualitative investigation into land users' attitudes to wolf reintroduction in Scotland
Louise Riley: An analysis of the effects of elevation on the forest composition and structure in the Rio Jurua, Amazonas.
David Kemp: An examination into sustainable development of rural energy sources within the Central Region, Ghana
Louise Riley: An analysis of the effects of elevation on the forest composition and structure in the Rio Jurua, Amazonas.
David Kemp: An examination into sustainable development of rural energy sources within the Central Region, Ghana
2007 Recipients & Reports
Tijani Bojang: Long Term Trends in the Rainfall Patterns of the Gambia
Vicky Simonds: Investigating Carbon Dioxide Levels in Soil on Monserrat
Kate Rickett: Giving Up Drugs with the Gods in Delhi
Lindsey Jones: The Management of Water Resourses in the Ruaha Basin, Tanzania
Vicky Simonds: Investigating Carbon Dioxide Levels in Soil on Monserrat
Kate Rickett: Giving Up Drugs with the Gods in Delhi
Lindsey Jones: The Management of Water Resourses in the Ruaha Basin, Tanzania
" I would like to thank the Katie Wilkinson Scholarship trustees for their generosity and support, without which I would not have been able to complete this deeply rewarding project " |
" I am incredibly grateful to The Katie Wilkinson Research Scholarship for allowing me to carry out my research in the Caribbean, which I would not have been able to do without the grant " |
Read about how the funds for the Katie Wilkinson Research Scholarship are raised.